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To find the license file for your Autodesk product, you need to locate the folder that corresponds to the product key and the year of release. The product key is a 5-digit code that identifies your software. The folder path is different depending on the year of release. Here are the folder paths for 2017, 2018 and 2019 products:
For 2017 products: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\CLM\LGS\_2017.0.0.F
For 2018 products: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\CLM\LGS\_2018.0.0.F
For 2019 products: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\CLM\LGS\_2019.0.0.F
In these folder paths, C: is the drive where your operating system is installed, ProgramData is a hidden folder that stores application data, Autodesk is the folder for Autodesk software, CLM is the folder for cloud license management, LGS is the folder for license generation system, and F is the file extension for license files.
Once you have located the license file for your product, you can open it with a text editor such as Notepad. The license file contains information about your product, such as the serial number, the product name, the license type, the expiration date and the server name. You can edit some of these values if you need to change your license settings.
However, you should be careful when editing the license file, as any mistake can cause your product to malfunction or stop working. You should always make a backup copy of the original license file before making any changes. You should also follow the instructions from Autodesk on how to edit the license file correctly.
If you have any questions or issues with your license file, you can contact Autodesk support for assistance. They can help you troubleshoot your license problems and provide you with solutions. You can also visit the Autodesk website for more information and resources on licensing.
Autodesk offers different types of licenses for its products, depending on your needs and preferences. You can choose between a single-user license, a multi-user license or a network license. A single-user license allows you to install and use the product on one computer only. A multi-user license allows you to install and use the product on multiple computers, but only one at a time. A network license allows you to install and use the product on multiple computers simultaneously, as long as they are connected to the same network.
To activate your license, you need to enter your serial number and product key during the installation process. You may also need to sign in with your Autodesk account or provide a license server name. You can manage your licenses online through your Autodesk account, where you can view your license details, renew your subscription, transfer your license to another computer or request a refund.
If you want to switch between different types of licenses, you can do so by changing your license type in the product settings. You may need to restart your product for the changes to take effect. You can also change your license type by editing the license file manually, but this is not recommended unless you are an advanced user. 061ffe29dd